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Just as there are hierarchies above, so there are levels for their fallen kinfolk, the devils. One of history's most famous exorcists, Father Sebastien Michaelis, described the ranking of devils in his Admirable History (1612). He also noted the sins of which each is in charge: The Devil: Lucifer | ||
BEELZEBUB (pride) |
CARREAU (hardheartedness) |
BELISA (arrogance) |
LEVIATHAN (sins "directly repugant unto faith") |
CARNIVEAN (obscenity) |
OLIVER (mercilessness toward the poor) |
ASMODEUS (luxuriousness and wantonness) |
OEILLET (temptations to "break the vow of poverty") |
IUVART (various) |
BALBERITH (homicides, quarrels,blasphemy) |
ROSIER (causes people to fall hopelessly in love, turning them from God or spouse |
N/A |
ASTAROTH (idleness and sloth) |
VERRIER (disobedience) |
N/A |
VERRINE (impatience) |
N/A | N/A |
GRESSIL (impurity and uncleanliness) |
N/A | N/A |
SONNEILON (hatred) |
N/A | N/A |
Friar Franceso Mairo Buazzo, in his Compendium Malefircarum (1608), concentrates not on the devils but their servants, demons. He identified six different kinds. From the most powerful, these are: |
FIRE DEVILS, who live in the upper air and help to supervise the other five groups. AERIAL DEVILS, who inhabit the air around us and have the most direct access to us. TERRESTRIAL DEVILS, who dwell in the woods, fields and forests. AQUEOUS DEVILS, who reside in rivers lakes and seas. SUBTERRANEAN DEVILS, who abide in caves and underground. HELIOPHOBIC DEVILS, who hate the light and only move about at night. |
The Demonic Hierarchies Demons By Purpose Bile anale |
From Collin De Plancy's Dictionaire Infernale (1863) |
Francis Barrett's The Magus (1801) |
Asmodeus - The Destroyer Astaroth - Obtains friendship of great lords. Behemoth - Demon of indulgence Ronwe - Demon of linguel knowledge Urobach - Of the lower order of demons Andras - Grand Marquis of Hell, causes discord and quarrels Beelzebub - Lord of the flies |
Mammon - Prince of temptors Asmodeus - Prince of vengence Satan - Prince of deluders Belzebuth - Cheif of false god Pytho - Prince of the spirits of deceit Beliel - Prince of iniquity Merihim - Prince of the spirits of pestilence Abbadon - Prince of war Astaroth - Prince of accusers and inquisitors |
From the Grimoire of Pope Honorius: | Johan Weyer's Hierarchy of Hell: |
PRINCIPLE INFERNAL SPIRITS: Lucifer - Emperor Beelzebub - Prince Astarot - Grand Duke SUPERIOR SPIRITS: Lucifage Rofocale - Prime Minister Satanchia - Grand General Agaliarept - Aussi General Feurety - Lieutenant Commander Sargantanas - Major Nebiros - Field Marshall SUBORDINATE SPIRITS: Bael , Bathim, Agares, Pursan, Marbas, Abigar, Pruslas, Loray, Aamon, Valefar, Barbatos, Forau, Buer, Ayperos, Gusoyn, Nuberus, Botis, Glasyabolis |
Beelzebuth - Supreme Cheiftan Satan - Occupies second place as prince of darkness. Eurynomous - Prince of death Moloch - Prince of the land of tears Pluto - Prince of fire Baal - Commander of the armies of hell Lucifer - Dispenses justice Asmodeus - Gambling Baalberith - Minister of pacts and treaties Proserpine - Prince of demonic spirits Astaroth - Prince and treasurer of hell Nergal - Chief of secret police Chamos, Melchom, Behamoth, Dagon, Adramalek |
Sebastien Michaelis's
Histoire admirable de la Possession et conversion d'une penitente (1613) | ||
Belzebuth - pride Leviathan - faith Asmodeus - luxury Balberith - blasphemy and murder Astaroth - vanity and sloth Verrine - impatience Gresil - impurity Sonnillon - hate |
Carreau - mercilessness Carnivean - obscenity Oeillet - riches and wealth Rosier - love Verrier - disobedience |
Belial - arrogance Olivier - cruelty and greed Juvart - demonic possession |
John Wier's Hierarchy | Peter Binsfeld's Demons of the Seven Deadly Sins (1589) |
Faust's Hierarchy of the Kingdoms: |
Bael - King, lord of the East, commands 66 legions Forcas - President Beur - President commands 50 legions Marchocias- Marquis commands 30 legions Behamoth - unknown |
Lucifer - pride Mammon - avarice Asmodeus - lechery Satan - anger Beelzebub - gluttony Leviathan - envy Belphegore - sloth |
Beelzebub - North Lucifer - East Belial - South Astaroth - West Phlegathon - Center |
Misc. Medieval Hierarchies | Richard Dukante's Hierarchy (1963) |
THE SEVEN PRINCES OF HELL Baal-beryth - master of rituals and pacts Dumah - commander of the demons of gehenna Meririm - prince of air Rahab - prince of oceans Sariel - Prince of the moon Mephistopholes - the destroyer Lucifer Rofocale - prime minister and controls wealth ARCH DEMONS OF HELL Adramaleck - Prince of Fire Carniveau - Demon of Possession Python - Prince of lying spirits Mammon - Prince of temptors, avarice, and greed Rimmon - Prince of lightning and storms ARCH SHE-DEMONS One of the Very Few All Female Demon Hierarchies. Leviathan - The Chaos Dragon Barbelo - Unknown Proserpine - Destroyer Astarte - Queen of spirits of the dead Agrat-bat-mahlaht - One of Satan's wives and demoness of whores Eisheth Zenunim - Same as above Lilith - Satan's favorite wife Naamah - demoness of seduction |
Satan - King Unsere - (f) Fertility and Sorcery Delepitore - (f) Demoness of Sorcery Enlightement Satanchia - Grand Genreal (War) Agaliarept - Assistant Grand General (War) Lucifage - High Command (Control) Flereous - Fire Elemental Lucifer - Air Elemental Leviathan - Water Elemental Belial - Earth Elemental Beelzebuth - Lord of insects Belphegore - Master of Armorment and Weaponry Mesphito - Keeper of the book of death Amducious - The destroyer Asmodeus - Demon of Lust Sonnielion - (f) Demoness of hate Abbadon - Advisor Ammon - demon of domination Mammon - Demon of Avarice Rosier - Demon of love Ashtaroth - (f) Preistess of friendship Eurynomous - Demon of Death Verrine - Demon of Health Verrier - (f) Demoness of plants and herbalism Ronwe - Demon of Knowledge Babeal - Keeper of Graves |
Demons By Purpose http://chs.new21.net/others/demonterms/purpose.htm Demons Listed by Purpose and Rulership for those who would work Demonic Magick or seek demons of purpose. |
Life Healing |
Hate - Vengence Anger - War |
Love - Compassion Relationships - Lust |
Money - Prosperity Luck |
Knowledge Secrets - Sorcery |
Unsere Verrine Verrier Belial Death Eurynomous Baalberith Babael Nature Belial Lucifer Satan Flereous Leviathan Rimmon Dagon Rahab Seriel |
Amducious Andras Merihim Abbadon Satanchia Lucifuge Rofocale Agaliarept Feurety Sargatanas Nebiros Baal Sonnilion Tezrian Olivier Mephestophiles Dumah Proserpine Belphegore Svengali |
Rosier Astarte Ashtaroth Astaroth Asmodeous Agrat-bat-mahlaht Eisheth Zenunim Lilith Naamah Asafoetida Rashoone Taroone |
Behemoth Belphegore Asmodeous Astaroth Oeillet Olivier Beelzebub Mammon |
Ronwe Pytho Lucifer Leviathan Baalberith Unsere Delepitorae Mesphito Luithian Abbadon Verrier |
A BOOK OF ANGELS, Sophy Burnham, ©1990 Ballantine Books
ANGELS A-Z Matthew Bunson, © 1996, Three Rivers Press, Crown Publishing Group.
ANGELS A - Z, James R. Lewis, Evelyn Dorthy Oliver, ©1996 Visible Ink Press.
COMPLETE BOOK OF DEVILS AND DEMONS Leonard R.N. Ashley ©1996 Barncade Books Inc.
COMPLETE BOOK OF MAGIG AND WITCHCRAFT Leonard R.N. Ashley ©1986 Barricade Books Inc
ANGELS AN ENDAGERED SPECIES, Malcom Godwin ©1990 Simon and Schuster.
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANGELS. Rosemary Ellen Guiley ©1996, Facts on File.