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PACHRIEL-Another name for the high angel Baraq'el, who is one of the seven reigning princes in charge of the seven heavens. Pachriel has authority over the second heaven and is attended by "496,000 myriads of ministering angels," as noted in the Third Book of Enoch.

PAHADRON-An angelic being appearing in Jewish legend as a feared angel of terror, as noted in the popular work Jewish Magic and Superstition by Joshua Trachten berg (1939).

PALATINATES-An alternative name given to the angelic choir of powers or perhaps some other order. According to the renowned grimoire (or book of magic) called the Greater Key of Solomon, the angels belonging to the palatinates can be summoned by a trained sorcerer using spells and invocations conveniently provided in that work. Once summoned, the palatinates are said to be able to bestow invisibility upon the sorcerer.

PARADISE-See Eden, Garden of.

PARASIM-A group of angels, perhaps to be considered a complete order or choir, that has the singular task of singing the praises of God. They are said to be under the authority of the high angelic prince Tagas (Radueriel is also ranked as a possible chief).

PASCHAR-An angel who is listed among the so-called seven throne angels. They perform any possible mission at the command of God or his powerful servants. Paschar is also considered a guard or watcher of the curtain or gate surrounding the seventh heaven, the veil that in some Jewish traditions surrounds the very throne of God. (See also Mekabah Angels.)

PATRON ANGELS-Those special angels who have a particular devotion to or authority over certain people, places, or professions are called patron angels:

Chaos (Michael or Satan)
Fire-(Nathaniel or Gabriel)
Free Will-(Tabris)
Light-(Issac, Gabriel, and Satan)
Love-(Raphael, Theliel)
Music-(Israfel or Uriel)
Poetry-(Uriel or Israfel)
Prostitution-(Eisheth Zenumin)
Repentance-(Michael, Uriel, or Raphael)
Silence-(Shateiel or Duma)
Snow-(Salgiel or Michael)
Tears-(Sandalphon or Israfel)
Thunder-(Uriel or Ra'amiel)
Truth-(Amitiel, Michael, or Gabriel)
War-(Michael or Gabriel)

PEACE, ANGEL OF-An angel who was supposedly devoted utterly to the cause of peace and serenity, so much so that his passion ultimately led to his destruction. There is also a long-standing custop that the angel of peace is actually a member of a group probably numbering seven, one of the holy numbers. That there is more than one angel of peace is attested perhaps by the passage in the Old Testament Book of Isaiah (33:7). They weep because of the lack of peace in the world. In support of the tradition that there is only one angel of peace (or at least that there is one angel of several with the title) is the interesting passage in the First Book of Enoch (40), in which that great patriarch writes of his visit to heaven and the tour given of the first heaven conducted by the angel of peace.

PELIEL-An angel found in Jewish lore who is acknowledged as one of the chiefs or ruling princes of the angelic order or choir of the virtues. He is also counted among the ten holy sefiroth and is the so-called angelic guide or patron of the Old Testament figure Jacob, the Patriarch who wrestled with the dark angel.

PENANCE, ANGEL OF-The title given to the angel Phanuel.

PENEMU-Also Pinem'e, a onetime holy angel who fell from grace. He is especially vilified in the literature of Enoch, specifically the First Book of Enoch (69), because he taught humanity many terrible things, such as the secrets of wisdom and, worst of all, the use of ink and paper in writing. As a result of this ability, many humans "have erred from eternity to eternity, until this very day. For indeed human beings are not created for such purposes to take up their beliefs with pen and ink"; this may be rather stern denunciation of writing and the field of journalism. Interestingly, Penemu is also credited with the ability to cure stupidity.

PENIEL-The name, meaning "face of God," that was used by the Old Testament figure Jacob for the place he visited across the ford of Jabok, where he spent an entire night wrestling the being called in lore the dark angel. Another tradition found in many occult writings considers Peniel to be an actual angel, the very dark angel who was the wrestling companion of Jacob (although this title is also given, with perhaps more authority, to such angels as Michael, Uriel, and even Metatron).

PERI-A type of fallen angel or celestial spirit mentioned in the lore of Islam and Persia. According to Persian custop, they were exceedingly attractive, but this only masked their evil nature, being fallen spirits. There is a custop that the peri were the children of the evil angels, a tradition that would make them the equivalent of the nephilim. Unlike those beings of angelic origin, however, the peri were said to be eligible for redemption from their unfortunate progeny and their wicked tendencies. This is because the phophet Muhammad turned his attentions to them and labored to convert them from their sinful lives. In some legends they will remain unable to enter paradise until the sins of their parents, the fallen angels, are finally forgiven by a suitable penance.

PERSIA, ANGEL OF-A title given to the angel Dubbiel as the special patron or protector of Persia. He is said to have managed to overthrow the archangel Gabriel as the high potentate of the Lord in the celestial hierarchy, thereby permitting Dubbiel to promote the greatness of Persia at the expense of Israel. Such a favored status, however, did not long endure, for Gabriel was restored to prominence and ended the suffering of the Chosen people. As the patron of Persia, Dubbiel was apparently unable to prevent the eventual conquest of the Persian empire under Alexander the Great in 331 B. C. It is possible that there is an additional reference to the angel of Persia in the Old Testament Book of Daniel (10:13), where mention is made of Michael, the archangel and "one of the chief princes," entering into a struggle with the "prince of the kingdom of Persia," perhaps to be identified with the angel of Persia. (See also Dubbiel.)

PESTILENCE, ANGEL OF-Also the angel of plague, a certain highly feared and destructive angelic servant sent by God to bring wholesale death and ruin through the spreading of a kind of plague or disease as punishment for some great sin or as a symbol of divine wrath. The angels of pestilence were perhaps responsible for bringing some of the woes inflicted upon Egypt recorded in the Book of Exodus, and also in the First Book of Chronicles.

PHALEC-A prominent angel in the occult who is chief or ruling prince of the angelic order or choir of angels. He is also said to have a special area of authority over the planet Mars, a guardianship that explains the rather bellicose nature he is said to possess.

PHANUEL-One of the four so-called Angels of the Presence (or the face), angels who have the cherished position of actually beholding the very face of God or spending time in his direct presence. Phanuel is often listed among the four chief angels of the Presence as a substitute to the great archangel Uriel, standing with his fellows, Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. Phanuel appears in the first Book of Enoch (40) with the other three major angels of the Presence and is described in a role quite similar to the one normally held by Uriel. If, as is often stated by scholars, Phanuel may be declared synonymous with Uriel, then that mighty angel's attributes, achievements, and legends may be said to be Phanuel's as well. (See Uriel for other details.)

PHOENIX (1)-Also Phenex, an angel who is fallen but who, according to the occult work The Lemegeton by Arthur Edward Waite, has high hopes of returning after 1,200 years to the light of goodness. According to one source, The Encyclopedia of Occultism by Lewis Spence, Phoenix was formerly a member of the angelic order or choir of thrones. In the meantime he is said to be a respected poet in the nefarious regions, with authority over many legions of presumably damned spirits.

PHOENIX-(2)-A type of bird found in Greek mythology that was said to inhabit the Arabian or Egyptian desert, living to the age of six hundred years. At the end of that time it settled into a nest made of spices, sang a hauntingly beautiful song, and, flapping its wings, managed to set itself on fire and reduce itself to ashes; soon after, it literally rose out of the ashes and began a new cycle of life. The phoenix has become one of the most common symbols for resurrection and eternal life.

PISTIS SOPHIA-One of the aeons, the superior angelic beings of the lore of the Gnostics, a heretical sect of Christianity. Also called simply Sophia (meaning "wisdom"), she supposedly helped bring into being the material world, ironically by her fall from heaven. She pondered certain questions that the aeons were forbidden from considering and so was ejected from her state of grace. Plummeting into the darkness, she collapsed into despair; but, remembering the light of heaven, she emanated and brought forth the being who came, in Gnostic thinking, to be Jesus. He then appealed to the other aeons to come to the aid of Pistis Sophia. They helped rid her of the negative, imperfect thoughts that had plagued her. Unfortunately the negative energy was later put to use to create the imperfect and flawed material world in which are trapped untold millions of souls who struggle fruitlessly to achieve salvation, an unobtainable goal because they are not chosen and made members of the elect (saved) souls. In the rather peculiar thinking of the Gnostics, Pistis Sophia encouraged the redemption of humanity by sending the serpent into the Garden of Eden to tempt Adam and Eve, thereby setting in motion the events that led to the defeat of Demiurge, the cruel lesser god who controls the world and prevents the ascension of the souls to the Supreme God, who is perfection. (See also Aeons.)

PLAGUE, ANGEL OF THE-Another name for the so-called Angel of Pestilence.

PLANETS, ANGELS OF THE-A group of angels who possess certain powers over the planets they administer as a kind of govenor or ruling prince. By custop the angelic rulers of the planets are headed collectively by the angel Rahatiel. The list of the planets was connected intimately with astrology and was formulated based upon the concept of the seven planets. The Magus (1801) by Francis Barrett lists the ruling angels as follows:
Mercury(Michael or Raphael);
Venus (Haniel or Anael);
Mars (Camael);
Saturn (Orifiel or Zaphiel);
Jupiter (Zadkiel or Zachariel);
the Sun (Michael or Raphael);
the Moon(Gabriel).

POWERS-(Choir)-One of the nine accepted choirs of angels according to the celestial organization developed by the sixth century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite; also called potentates, authorities, dynamis, and forces, the powers are placed in the second triad of the nine choirs and are numbered sixth overall. The powers were supposedly the very first of the angels created by God, although this disagrees with the teaching that all angels came into existence at the same moment. They are described as having the task of defeating the efforts of the demons in overthrowing the world and are declared the awesome defenders of the cosmos against all evil and the maintaners of all cosmic order and equilibrium. They are guardians of the heavenly paths, policing the routes to and from heaven to the earth, which means that they concern themselves as well with humanity.

POWERS, ANGEL OF THE-The name given to certain angels belonging to the angelic choir or orders of powers. The chief angels of this order are listed as Gabriel, Camael, and even Satan (before his Fall). Other angels receiving this title have been Verchiel, Samael, and especially Zacharel, who is also the governing angel of the planet Jupiter. Yet another angel mentioned under this title was the famed archangel Michael, as noted in the apocryphal work the Testament of Abraham.

PRAISE, ANGELS OF-A group or even order or choir of angels that, as the name might suggest, has the perpetual duty of singing the divine praises of the Lord. According to the famed work The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg, the angels of praise were supposedly created by God on the second day of Creation, along with the angel hosts and the ministering angels. It is generally accepted that the angels of praise can be considered synonymous with the angelic choir of thrones.

PRAVAIL-See Vrevoil.

PRAYER, ANGEL OF-An angel appearing in various traditions with special authority over prayer, such as the privilege of bringing before the throne of God the prayers of certain exceedingly worthy mortals, in particular the saints and holy men and women. The exact number of the angels of prayer is somewhat unclear, being at five, six, or seven.

PRESENCE, ANGELS OF THE-A special kind of angel, also called the angels of the face, who receives the incomparable honor of standing in the presence of or before the very face of the Lord. Often nameless, the angels of the presence are regularly grouped in accounts with such other angelic bodies as the angels of sanctification, angels of glory, angels of the spirit of fire, and the angels of the spirits of the winds.

PRIDE, ANGEL OF-A name frequently given to Satan (or Lucifer). It is derived from his hubris, his pride, which caused, according to Christian teaching, his Fall from the light and his expulsion from heaven.

PRINCES, ANGELIC-The name given to certain powerful and highly placed angels who are honored with the title of prince or ruling princes of heaven. The angelic princes are found especially in Jewish lore, with princes governing not only the seven heavens, but the angelic orders or choirs. Following are some of the princes of the individual choirs:
SERAPHIM: Michael, Metatron, Uriel, Seraphiel, and Satan (before his Fall)
CHERUBIM: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zophiel, and Satan (before his fall)
THRONES: Zaphkiel, Raziel, Orifiel, and Jophiel
DOMINATIONS: Zadkiel, Zacharel, and Muriel
VIRTUES: Gabriel, Michael, Uzziel, Tarshish, Sabriel, and Peliel
POWERS: Camael, Gabriel, Verchiel, and Satan (before his Fall)
PRINCIPALITIES: Amael, Nisroch, and Haniel
ARCHANGELS: Metatron, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Barachiel, Jehudiel, and Satan (before his Fall)
ANGELS: Gabriel, Chayyliel, Phaleg, and Adnachiel.

PRINCIPALITIES-(Choir)-One of the nine accepted choirs of angels as organized by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius and adopted largely by the Christian church. The principalities are placed first in the third triad of angels (with the archangels and angels) and are ranked seventh overall. Also called princedoms and princes, these angels are the first of the choirs most concerned with the earth and are traditionally declared to have the roles of caretakers over every nation, province, county, district, city, town, village, and house, working with the guardian angels, who are assigned to every spot and person; while this seems to be bureaucratic doubling of angelic activity, it can be argued that guardian angels function as the personal angelic protectors, while the principalities are the administrative or technical writers.

PSEUDEPIGRAPHA-The name given to those works that are considered noncanonical (meaning that they are not accepted as sacred literature and included in the books of the Bible), were deliberately written in a style that emulated actual biblical literature, and were named after or attributed to some great personage in order to establish for them some kind of heightened authority or credibility. There is a large body of these Pseudepigraphical writings, with details about angels included in many of them. Among the most notable angel sources are the Books of Enoch, the Books of Baruch, and the Gospel of St. Bartholomew.

PUNISHNENT, ANGEL OF-The title borne by several different angels denoting their special powers and authority in handing out the divine punishment of God. Among the possible members of this association-although there is no indication that such angels should be thought of as forming their own choir order-are Amaliel, Ariel, Kushiel, Puriel, Makatiel, Hemah, Mashit, Af, Kezef, and Hasmed. Like the angels of destruction, angels of vengence, and angels of wrath, these angelic beings are not to be taken lightly and are truly feared.

PURIEL-Also Puruel and Pusiel, an angel who appears in the apocryphal work of the Testament of Abraham, the secondcentury A.D. apocalyptic tale of Abraham's journey to heaven. Puriel is described as utterly pitiless, with the task of examining the soul of each person brought to heaven for examination after death.

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