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BAAL-A deity that was worshipped regularly throughout much of the ancient Near East, particularly by the Canaanites. The name is derived from the Semitic word meaning "possessor" or "lord" and was used as a common noun with many applications; overtime, however, Baal was adopted as the chief fertility god, a master of the world, and the lord of rain, whose benevolence in supplying moisture was essential to the flowering of crops. By the time of the Israelites' arrival in the land of Canaan, the worship of Baal-was firmly established. Baal even came to be understood as representing the Lord of Israel. BALLATON-An angel whose name is used by sorcerers when drawing the potent pentagram of Solomon, a symbol used for summoning spirits and conducting esoteric rites. BARACATA-An angel who figures in the ancient and very arcane rites of magic associated with King Solomon. Baracata may not be precisely considered an angel, but traditionally it takes a sorcerer of considerable powers to summon him. BARADIEL-One of the princes of the seven heavens mentioned in the Third Book of Enoch. Baradiel is one of the "seven great, beautiful, wonderful, and honored princes." Each angelic prince has command "over a heavenly host, and every one of them is attended by 496,000 myriads of ministering angels." The prince in charge of the third heaven, Baradiel is also one of the princes (or angels) who guide the progress of the world. His area of authority here is an angel of hail (other angels are of earthquakes, comets, the stars, wind, fire, etc.) BARAQIEL-One of the seven great angels in control of the seven heavens. Baraqiel is one of the "great, beautiful, wonderful, and honored princes" listed in the Third Book of Enoch, that extensive compendium of angelic lore. His specific heaven is the second heaven. Baraqiel is counted as the angel of lightning, joined by such other angels as those of the sun, hail, earthquakes, snow, etc. It is possible that Baraqiel is also to be identified with the fallen angel Baraqyal. This angel considered one of the angelic beings-with Uriel and or gambling. BARAQYAL-An angel who belonged to the so-called Watchers, who descended from heaven to cohabit with mortal women. In the Book of Enoch, Baraqyal is listed among the two hundred fallen angels and was ranked among the chief of ten, the divisions of the evil an repentant angels. As a demon, Baraqyal is able to teach those who summon him the secret arts of astrology. BARATTIEL-One of the great angelic princes listed in that famed compendium of angelic lore, the Third Book of Enoch. Barattiel has a specific place in the angelic hierarchy presented in that work, being situated between the angelic princes Tagas and Hamon. When Tagas sees Barattiel, he falls upon his face prostrate and removes his princely crown. Likewise, when Barattiel beholds Hamon, he falls down prostrate and removes his own crown. Barattiel has the special post or power of literally holding the highest heaven-called in this tradition the Arabot-on the tips of his spread fingers. BAT QOL-Also Bath Qol, an angel, often spoken of as female, whose name means "heavenly voice." the angel is said among the Syrians to have the voice heard by Cain asking "Where is thy brother, Abel?" after Cain murdered his brother. Bat Qol is also said to have visited the famous second-century A.D. rabbi Simion ben Yohai (the supposed of the Jewish mystical work the Zohar) while he was imprisoned. in the sense of Bat-Kol, the angel can represent the divine voice that announces the will of God. BEBUROA-An angel mentioned in the apocryphal book the Revelation of Esdras. Beburoa is ranked as one of the nine angels who will come and reign over the end of the world. BENE ELOHIM-Also bene Elim, a group of angels who belong to the order or choir of thrones. Meaning "sons of God," the bene Elohim are considered a part or division of the thrones, receiving the duty of forever singing the ineffable praise of God. As the sons of God, they are sometimes counted as the beings mentioned in the Book of Genesis (6:2) who save the daughters of men "and took to wife such of them as they chose." The result of this union were the giants, the anakim, "the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown." The bene Elohim are also thought to be the angels called the ischim. BETHOR-A powerful angel, one of the seven angelic beings ruling the 196 divisions of heaven. To assist him in his work, Bethor commands some 29,000 legions of angels. His area of authority also extends to everything related to the planet Jupiter, part of the ancient belief of each planet, star, and phenomenon of nature having its own angelic patron or ruler. BLACK ANGELS-A name used, especially in Islamic lore, for the fallen angels. Black angels are generally considered demons. The two most famous fallen angels by this appellation are Nakir and Monker. BLINDED ANGEL-The term used by Pope John Paul II for the devil, Satan. The pontiff implies that the devil has chosen to blind himself to the light and beauty of God and so exists in perpetual darkness, the blackness of sin. (See also Fallen Angels.) BOAMIEL-An angel mentioned in the obscure Jewish mystical work the Book of the Angel Raziel and ranked as one of the angels with authority over the four divisions of heaven. BOEL-One of the foremost angels occupying the first heaven (of the seven heavens), according to the lore of the Zohar. Boel has possession of the four keys of the four corners of the earth. He thus has the keys that can, if he is so instructed by God, open the gates of the Garden of Eden, which were locked after the fall of humanity and which had two very stern cherubim placed as guards. As a ruler or guardian of one of the planets, he has authority over Saturn. BOTTOMLESS PIT, ANGEL OF THE-The angel who has authority over the abyss, the bottomless pit, often also called hell. This angel is usually identified as Abaddon (or Appolyon). Abaddon holds the key and also has the duty (or perhaps the pleasure) of binding Satan for one thousand years. There has been some debate over the centuries concerning whether the angel of the bottomless pit is good or evil. BURNING BUSH, ANGEL OF THE-The famous angel of the event recorded in the Book of Exodus (3:2) in which Moses beheld the burning bush.Some scholars prefer to say that the burning bush was not really an angel, but God assuming this memorable form. In one Jewish tradition, the name of the angel of the burning bush was Zagzagel. |
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